School Olympiad in social science academic year. Conclusions to Chapter III Compare the public


Society, social environment, social being and consciousness, social formation, productive forces, production relations, social group, class, strata, stratification, historical community, state, civil society, ideology, social psychology, mass consciousness, subject of history, driving forces of history, industrial and post-industrial society, social forecasting, social progress.

Tasks for testing competencies:

1. Compare the concepts of "society", "community", "communication".

2. Compare the meaning of the word "law" in the phrases "law of physics", " legal law", "law community development».

3. What criteria were put by K. Marx at the basis of the formational typology of society?

4. What typologies of social development do you know?

5. Name the main forms of social consciousness. Define their role in culture and society?

6. Is sociality an internal or external quality of human being?

7. Does human history have meaning, purpose, direction? Does the concept of progress presuppose the presence of these factors in history?

8. Society as a whole, individual classes, social strata and organizations look at the world through the prism of their social interests. Under the influence of public interests, a certain vision of the world is formed. This mechanism of vision, as well as its results, created under the influence of public interests, is called public consciousness.

Try to formulate a general definition of social consciousness from what has been said.

9. Let us assume that social consciousness is reduced to the sum of individual consciousnesses. What conclusions follow from this assumption? What is the relationship between social and individual consciousness?

10. The formation of the image of the enemy is a conscious manipulation of public opinion. How do you feel about this phenomenon? Give examples to prove your opinion.

11. Analyze the following statement. “The essential difference between human society and animal society is that animals in best case gather while people produce. This difference alone, however fundamental, makes it impossible to simply transfer the laws of animal society to human society.

a) Why does F. Engels consider this difference to be the main one?

b) For what reasons is it impossible to transfer the law from the field of biology to social life?

12. The name "Sociology" was first proposed by Comte to designate the science of society. I also accepted this term...

What is a society? We have full right look at society as a special being ... for although it is made up of separate ... units, however, the constant preservation, for generations and even centuries, of a certain social similarity in the grouping of these units, within the area occupied by each society, indicates the specificity of the the unit. And it is precisely this trait that gives us our idea of ​​society...

Society is an organism... Permanent relations between members of society are analogous to constant relations between the parts of a living being.”

a) What is the failure of the organismic concept of society?

b) What does its likeness to an organism give to understanding the integrity of a society?

c) How is the idea of ​​complex differentiation and organization of social life connected with the concept of an organism?

13. “The social sciences consider supraorganic phenomena… Superorganic phenomena in… developed form are found only in man and in civilization… Superorganism is identical to consciousness in all its explicit manifestations. The superorganic phenomenon includes language, science and philosophy, religion and art, ... law and ethics, morals and manners, technical inventions and processes, ranging from the simplest tools to the most complex machines, road building, architecture, cultivation of fields and gardens, domestication and animal training, etc., as well as social institutions. These are all supraorganic phenomena because they are various forms consciousness; they do not arise from naked reflexes or instincts...

In other words, in its developed forms, the superorganism is located exclusively in the sphere of interacting people and the products of their interaction...

Scientific knowledge, philosophical thought, aesthetic tastes and other components of the supraorganic are not inherited biologically, people receive them from other people due to the ongoing interaction with culture as a carrier of supraorganic values...

In this sense, supraorganic culture can be seen as a direct or indirect product of human interaction.

a) what is the difference between Spencer's theory and P. Sorokin's theory?

b) What is "superorganism" according to Sorokin? What does it include? Is the expression of P. Sorokin correct: “Supraorganism is identical to consciousness”? Who is this phrase directed at? What is his vulnerability?

14. “There are millions of different organized groups or systems in the socio-cultural world, starting with organizational groups or social systems, starting with organized dyads and triads, and ending with such large social systems as empires and world religious associations, numbering several million members and a huge mass of material carriers, by which they function. This vast array of social systems can be classified in various ways depending on the purpose of the classification...

Important one-sided groups (built and grouped around one set of core values):

A. Biosocial: 1) racial; 2) sexual; 3) age.

B. Sociocultural: 4) gender; 5) territorial neighborhood; 6) linguistic, ethnic and national groups; 7) state; 8) professional groups; 9) economic; 10) religious; 11) political; 12) "ideological" groups (scientific, philosophical, aesthetic, educational, ethical, leisure and entertainment groups); 13) nominal elite groups (great leaders, geniuses and historical figures).

Important multilateral groups (united around a combination of two or more sets of values): 1) family; 2) clan; 3) tribe; 4) nation; 5) caste; 6) social order or estate (such as the medieval aristocracy, the clergy, the bourgeoisie, the free class of workers and peasants and not free serfs); social class." (Sorokin P. Sociological theories of modernity. - M., 1992 - S. 42–43)

a) How do you assess the intention to give a universal classification of existing social structures?

b) To what extent does P. Sorokin's classification implement this task?

c) What comments on the proposed classification could you make?

d) What positive aspects could you note in P. Sorokin's attempt?

Questions for self-control:

1. Compare the concepts of "society", "community", "communication".

2. Compare the meaning of the word "law" in the phrases "law of physics", "legal law", "law of social development".

3. What criteria were put by K. Marx at the basis of the formational typology of society?

4. What typologies of social development do you know?

5. Name the main forms of social consciousness. Define their role in culture and society?

6. Is sociality an internal or external quality of human being?

7. Is there any meaning, purpose, direction in human history? Does the concept of progress presuppose the presence of these factors in history?

1. Culture is social in origin and
nature of the mechanism for regulating social life.
AT modern world cultural diversity is preserved.
In rapprochement, interaction, mutual enrichment
there is a dialogue of cultures. The spiritual world of each individual uni
Kalen, however, it can only be understood in connection with
spiritual life of society.

2. An influential institution of society is science.
Today it has become a direct production
body force, performs cognitive, cultural and world
outlook, social function. Increasing influence
The impact of science on various spheres of society leads to
strengthening the social responsibility of scientists for the results
you scientific activity.

3. The role of education in society is growing. Not without him
it is possible to form a high-quality human intellect
lectual capital - the main factor of progress in
modern society. In the context of post-industrial
entities special meaning along with the assimilation of ready-made knowledge
acquires the ability to search for the necessary information
formation in various sources, comprehend it, rely
based on existing knowledge, own social experience.

4. One of the most long-term, stable, mass
owl institutions of society is religion. Place and role
religions in the current conditions of social development op
are divided by its important functions: regulatory,
mentally-ideological, compensatory, cultural,
integration. Most believers in today's world
re are adherents of one of the three world religions
gui: christianity, islam, buddhism.

5. With the transition from traditional to industrial
society, the prerequisites for the emergence of mass culture appeared

Tours. Today, products of mass culture, from mass-produced things to music, literature, fashion and advertising, have entered people's daily lives. The result and at the same time a means of promoting mass culture are the media, whose role in society has increased significantly in recent decades. The attitude to the ever-widening distribution of mass culture in society is ambiguous.

Questions and tasks for chapter III

1. Make a detailed plan for answering the question “Role
spiritual culture in the life of society.

2. Compare the social functions of science and education
identify commonalities, point out differences.

3. Below are the statistics reflecting
change in the number of adherents of world religions, as well as
change in non-religious population over 70 years
ny period.

What conclusions about the evolution of the number of adherents of world religions and supporters of non-religious views can be drawn on the basis of these data? What social factors had the greatest impact on these processes? Have the trends of this period continued into the next decade? When answering this question, use your social science knowledge and other social information.

4. Compose two short reports on the same topic for: a) a respectable weekly "Cultural Heritage"; b) the tabloid edition "La Boheme". Base on the following fact: famous actress M. is seriously ill and will not be able to take part in the premiere performance.

School Olympiad in Social Science academic year

10-11 grade

Run time -1 hour 20 min.

Tasks with rows

1. What is extra in a row? Underline the extra word and explain why you decided so (maximum 3 points).

1. Republic, monarchy, federation.

3. Administrative law, civil law, family law.

2. Fill in the gap in the row (maximum 5 points).

1. A. Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations; K. Marx,

"Capital"; ……………………….., “The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money”.

2. N. Machiavelli, “The Sovereign”, ………………………………………, “Two treatises on

state government”, “On the social contract”.

3. Legislative initiative, adoption of a law State Duma RF, ……...

………………………………………………………………………….……. , signing

4. Mathematics – ……………………….. – physics – chemistry – biology – sociology.

5. Direct intent, indirect intent, ……………………………………. .

Choice from the list

3. Read the definitions of concepts known to you from the course of social science, belonging to thinkers, scientists, politicians, and write down these concepts (maximum 3 points).

1. “Teacher of all virtues”, “the highest consolation of tormented souls”, “herald of the true light” (Boethius).

2. "Not so much a way of government as a way to limit the government" (R. Reagan).

3. "An institution or mechanism that brings together buyers and sellers of a particular product or service" (K. McConnell, S. Brew).

Determining whether statements are correct or false

4. "Yes" or "no"? If you agree with the statement, write "Yes", if you do not agree - "No" (maximum 10 points).

2. Since mass media are guided by the needs and level of the audience, they do not participate in the formation of mass needs and stereotypes.

3. Feature democratic regime - the constitutional consolidation of any ideology as a state.

4. The image of one's "I" is formed in a person in the process of social interaction.

5. Shareholders, not answering for the obligations of the joint-stock company, do not bear any losses associated with its activities.

6. The state is not the only bearer of political power.

7. Issues of acquiring citizenship are regulated by the rules civil law RF.

8. Democracy is possible only under a republican form of government; this shows the integrity of the political system.

9. K social norms include only those prescriptions that are enshrined in laws, which ensures the universal validity of their prescriptions.

10. Articulate speech preceded the emergence of human consciousness and became its prerequisite.

Compliance tasks

5. Before you are three lists - the century, the name of the science of society and man, the name of the scientist whose work was related to this science. Match them up. Write down the answer in the form of a table, redrawing the given sample and entering the appropriate numbers and letters in the required columns.

Note! There are more than centuries in the lists of sciences and names of scientists(maximum 5 points).



Names of scientists

1. IV century. BC e.

I. History

II. political theory

IV. Psychology

V. Jurisprudence

VI. Economy

VII. Sociology

W. Aristotle



Names of scientists

Working with diagrams

6. Make a diagram using all the proposed concepts and terms. In the diagram, reflect their relationship. In the diagram, write down only the serial numbers of concepts and terms. (maximum 5 points).

1. Guilt. 2. Deed. 3. Wrongfulness. 4. Intention. 5. Inaction. 6. Offense. 7. Negligence. 8. Action. 9. Signs. 10 Public danger.

Tasks for knowledge of social science concepts

7. Using ALL the given words and phrases, make definitions of two concepts. Name these concepts (maximum 2 points).

Words and phrases cannot be used twice. In this linguistic constructor, you can add prepositions, change words by case (they are given in the nominative case), etc.

1. internal and behavior of a person's thoughts is his controller of aspirations

2. social, desire, opposition, political, group, course, fight, or, influence, official, power, for, her, on.

Filling in the missing words and phrases

8. Insert in place of gaps by selecting the appropriate words, word combinations, numbers and dates from the list provided. Words and combinations of words are given in the list in the singular. They are numbered.

Write down the serial numbers of the words and combinations you have chosen in the order in which they appear in the text (maximum 10 points).

Please note: there are more words and word combinations in the list than there are gaps in the text!

To designate a person as a representative of the human race, scientists use the term "……...". The totality of features that distinguish a person from all others is determined by the concept of “……”. This takes into account ...... its characteristics. The concept “……” defines the system of…… characteristics of a person as a member of society. Of decisive importance here is ...... as an ongoing ...... process of assimilation of cultural norms and social ...... . For a child under 10-12 years old, the opinion of …….. is decisive; a teenager needs an opinion …….. .

1. socialization

3. parents

4. personality

5. peer group

6. biological and social

7. individual

8. throughout life

9. social regulation

10. only biological

11. socially significant

12. in childhood

13. individuality

14. status

15. adaptation

Text assignments

9. Read the text. Complete the tasks for it (maximum 10 points).

Pedagogical work is one of the oldest types of intellectual activities 1), and teaching is one of the largest, stable over time professional groups(2) doing mental work.

AT primitive society(3) the only, perhaps, social channel that ensured the transfer of the most important information and skills was the clan. But during this period community singled out from its midst the most experienced, oldest members, who were entrusted with the duty of preparing youth(4) to join the genus as independent members.

AT ancient world differentiation(5) the process of education and upbringing has gone so far that in rich families these functions were assigned to teachers, as a rule, from slaves. As far as teachers are concerned, Ancient Greece had, mainly, were civilians, in the states ancient eastpriests(6). In the Middle Ages, the duties of a teacher were performed by monks, clerks, priests, and later representatives of other classes, primarily townspeople. . industrial society(7) gave rise to the need for literacy. Among the people of mental labor, the profession of a teacher has become one of the most massive.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the historically established interweaving of the actual educational and educational, spiritual components in the activities of the teacher.

Exploring the process of the birth of professions, G. Spencer noted that the embryo of the professional activity of teaching is preserved and develops mainly in religious institutions(eight). The reason, according to the scholar, is that “the class of priests, to whom the other classes provide the means of subsistence, becomes little by little the most idle. Freed from the need to work for the sake of subsistence, priests can devote their energy and their leisure to those mental labors and those special exercises that are necessary for professional work. In other words, the fact that the priests had time free from obligatory work for others, and the practical demand for their knowledge, became one of the prerequisites for the unification of educational and spiritual activities.

1. Define all highlighted in italics and numbered terms.

3. What do you know about the life and scientific views of H. Spencer?

cognitive tasks

10. Here is a formula known to economists as the Fisher equation (maximum 4 points).


where M- amount of money, V- the velocity of money or the number of revolutions of money; P– the average level of prices for goods and services; Q- the total volume of goods and services.

It is believed that it allows to explain the causes of inflation.

1. If the velocity of money and the volume of goods and services remain the same, and the amount of money increases, prices will rise.

2. If the velocity of circulation of money increases, and the quantity of money and the volume of goods and services remain unchanged, prices will rise.

3. If the velocity of circulation of money increases by 3 times, the amount of money will increase by 1.5 times, the volume of goods and services will remain the same, prices will rise.

School Olympiad in social science academic year grade 10-11

Verification Criteria

1. Answer:

1. Federation, since the rest are forms of government. 2. Hinduism, since the rest of the terms are world religions. 3. Administrative law, since everything else is a branch of private law.

Number of points-3

2. Answer: 1. J. M. Keynes. 2. D. Locke. 3. Approval by the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. 4. Astronomy. 5. Negligence.

Number of points-5

3 .Answer: 1. Philosophy. 2. Democracy. 3. Market.

Number of points-3

4 . Answer: 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Yes. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No.

Number of points-10

5 . Answer:



Names of scientists

Number of points-5

6 . Answer:

Number of points-5

7 . Answer: 1. The internal controller of a person's behavior, his aspirations and thoughts is conscience. 2. The opposition of a social or political group to the official course, the desire to fight for power or influence on it is opposition.

Number of points-2

8 . Answer: 7, 13, 6, 4, 11, 1, 8, 2, 3, 5

Number of points-10

9. Answer: 1.

Activity- a form of activity, which is characterized by a purposeful transformation of the surrounding world. professional Group- a set of people identified in accordance with such a socially significant criterion as a profession. primeval society- the longest era in the history of mankind, covering the time from the appearance of the first people to the emergence of the state. Youth- a socio-demographic group, allocated on the basis of a combination of age characteristics, features of social status. Differentiation- division of the whole into different parts. forms and steps. Priests- a social group engaged in worship in primitive and ancient societies. Industrial society- the stage of development of society, replacing the traditional society. Institute- historically established, stable form of organization joint activities aimed at meeting the fundamental needs of society. 2. The transition to a productive economy, the complication of the social structure, the emergence of cities, the emergence of the state, written law, writing. 3. Mr. Spencer (1820 - 1903), English philosopher and sociologist. Known to students as a representative of positivism.

Number of points-10

10. Answer:

All three conclusions are correct

which is proved by deriving the formula: R = MV: Q

Number of points-4

Maksim. number of points for work-57

1) spiritual; a) nationalities, nations, classes, parties;

2) production and economic; b) the state, trade unions;

3) social; c) philosophy, science, law, morality;

4) political d) plants, firms, factories

6. Nation-ethnos is:

a) a unity formed on the basis of a common language, territory, culture;

b) unity, characterized by a common origin, language, territory, economic ties, culture, mental warehouse, self-consciousness;

c) the totality of all citizens of the state, regardless of their language, culture;

d) compactly living or "scattered" groups that do not have their own statehood, but have mutual language, culture, psychology

What relates to social psychology as an element of social consciousness?

a) a system of views, attitudes adopted in society, reflecting the interests of social strata;

b) feelings, interests, aspirations, goals, ideals, customs, traditions, needs and interests of people and society as a whole;

c) the highest generalized perception of being;

d) direct perception by society and its members of the surrounding reality

8. Compare the concept and definition:

1) nationalism; a) ideology, the basis of which is the interpretation of the nation as the highest value;

2) patriotism; b) love for the Motherland, one's people, culture, history;

3) internationalism; c) rejection of national traditions, sovereignty, culture;

4) cosmopolitanism d) solidarity of all peoples of the planet on the basis of equality, mutual understanding

9. Align the spheres of public life and the features that characterize them:

1) production and economic sphere; a) the independent position of the individual;

2) social sphere; b) private property;

3) political sphere; c) rational thinking;

4) spiritual sphere d) rule of law

10. The extermination of certain groups of the population on racial, national, ethnic or religious grounds:

a) nationalism;

b) racism;

c) genocide;

d) chauvinism



1. Kanke V. A. Fundamentals of Philosophy. M., 2003

2. Pivoev V. M. History of Philosophy. St. Petersburg, 2002

3. Paul Roland. Revelations. Wisdom of the Ages. M., 2000

4. Jane Stevenson. Philosophy. M., 2004

5. Philosophy. R-n-D., 2003

6. Philosophy: a textbook for secondary specialized institutions. M., 2002

7. Gubin VD Fundamentals of Philosophy. M., 2005


1. Arefieva G.S. Society as an object of social analysis. M., 1995.

2. Berdyaev N.A. The meaning of history. M., 1990.

3. Kemerov V.E. Introduction to social philosophy. M., 1994.

4. Ivin A.A. Philosophy of history. M., 2000.

5. Lavrinenko V.N. Social Philosophy. M., 1995.

6. Theory of Society: Fundamental Problems / Ed. A.F. Filippova M., 1991.

7. Philosophy of History: Anthology / Compiled, edited and introduced. Art. Yu.A. Kimeleva. M., 1994.

8. Belov, A.V. Culture through the eyes of organic philosophers / A.V. Belov. - Rostov n / a, 2002.

9. Oizerman, T.I. Materialistic understanding of history: pluses and minuses / T.I. Oizerman // Questions of Philosophy. - 2001. - No. 2.

10. Rozov, N.S. The structure of social ontology: on the way to the synthesis of macrohistorical paradigms / N.S. Rozov // Questions of Philosophy. - 1999. - No. 2.

Founder Auguste Comte considered it about society, the space in which people live. Without it, life is impossible, which explains the importance of studying this topic.

What does the term "society" mean? How does it differ from the concepts of "country", "state", used in everyday speech, often as identical?

Country is a geographical concept denoting a part of the world, a territory that has certain boundaries.

- the political organization of society with a certain type of power (monarchy, republic, councils, etc.), bodies and structure of government (authoritarian or democratic).

social organization countries that ensure the joint life of people. This is a part of the material world isolated from nature, which is a historically developing form of connections and relations of people in the process of their life.

Many scientists have tried to explore society, to determine its nature, essence. The ancient Greek philosopher and scientist understood society as a set of individuals who united to satisfy their social instincts. Epicurus believed that the main thing in society is social justice as a result of an agreement between people not to harm each other and not to endure harm.

In Western European social science of the XVII-XVIII centuries. ideologues of the new rising strata of society ( T. Hobbes, J.-J. Rousseau), opposed to religious dogmas, was put forward social contract idea, i.e. contracts between people, each of which has sovereign rights to control its actions. This idea opposed the theological approach to the organization of society according to the will of God.

Attempts have been made to define society, based on the allocation of some primary cell of society. So, Jean Jacques Rousseau believed that the family is the most ancient of all societies. She is the likeness of a father, the people are like children, and all who are born equal and free, if they alienate their freedom, it is only for their own benefit.

Hegel tried to consider society as a complex system of relations, highlighting as the subject of consideration the so-called, that is, a society where there is a dependence of everyone on everyone.

Of great importance for the scientific understanding of society were the works of one of the founders scientific sociology O. Konta who believed that the structure of society is determined by the forms of human thinking ( theological, metaphysical and positive). He considered society itself as a system of elements that are the family, classes and the state, and the basis is the division of labor between people and their relationship with each other. We find a definition of society close to this in Western European sociology of the 20th century. Yes, at Max Weber, society is a product of the interaction of people as a result of their social actions in the interests of everyone and everyone.

T. Parsons defined society as a system of relations between people, the connecting beginning of which are norms and values. From point of view K. Marx, society is a historically evolving set of relationships between people formed in the process of their joint activity.

Recognizing the approach to society as the relationship of individuals, K. Marx, after analyzing the connections and relationships between them, introduced the concepts of "social relations", "relations of production", "socio-economic formations" and a number of others. Relations of production shaping social relationships create a society at a particular stage of historical development. Consequently, according to Marx, production relations are the root cause of all human relations and create large social system called society.

According to K. Marx, society is the interaction of people. The form social structure does not depend on their will (people). Each form of social organization is generated by a certain stage in the development of productive forces.

People cannot freely dispose of the productive forces, because these forces are the product of people's previous activity, their energy. But this energy itself is limited by the conditions in which people are placed by the already conquered productive forces, the form of social organization that existed before them and which is a product of the activity of the previous generation.

The American sociologist E. Shils identified the following signs of society:

  • it is not an organic part of any larger system;
  • marriages are concluded between members of a given community;
  • it is replenished at the expense of the children of those people who are members of this community;
  • it has its territory;
  • it has a self-name and its own history;
  • it has its own control system;
  • it exists longer than the average life span of an individual;
  • unites him general system values, norms, laws, rules.

Obviously, in all the above definitions, to one degree or another, an approach is expressed to society as an integral system of elements that are in a state of close interconnection. This approach to society is called systemic. The main task of a systematic approach in the study of society is to combine various knowledge about society into an integral system that could become a unified theory of society.

played an important role in systemic studies of society A. Malinovsky. He believed that society can be viewed as a social system, the elements of which are associated with the basic needs of people for food, shelter, protection, and sexual satisfaction. People come together to meet their needs. In this process, secondary needs arise in connection, cooperation, control over conflicts, which contributes to the development of the language, norms, rules of the organization, and this, in turn, requires coordinating, managerial and integrative institutions.

Society life

The life of society is carried out in four main areas: economic, social, political and spiritual.

Economic sphere there is a unity of production, specialization and cooperation, consumption, exchange and distribution. It ensures the production of goods necessary to satisfy the material needs of individuals.

social sphere represent people (genus, tribe, nationality, nation, etc.), various classes (slaves, slave owners, peasants, proletariat, bourgeoisie) and other social groups that have different material status and attitude to existing social orders.

Political sphere covers power structures ( , political parties, political movements) that control people.

Spiritual (cultural) sphere includes philosophical, religious, artistic, legal, political and other views of people, as well as their moods, emotions, ideas about the world around them, traditions, customs, etc.

All these spheres of society and their elements continuously interact, change, vary, but in the main remain unchanged (invariant). So, for example, the epochs of slavery and our time differ sharply from each other, but at the same time, all spheres of society retain the functions assigned to them.

In sociology, there are various approaches to the search for foundations choice of priorities in the social life of people(problem of determinism).

Aristotle emphasized the importance state structure for the development of society. Identifying the political and social spheres, he considered man as a "political animal". Under certain conditions, politics can become a decisive factor that completely controls all other areas of society.

Supporters technological determinism the determining factor of social life is seen in material production, where the nature of labor, technique, technology determine not only the quantity and quality of material products produced, but also the level of consumption and even the cultural needs of people.

Supporters cultural determinism believe that the backbone of society is generally accepted values ​​and norms, the observance of which will ensure the stability and uniqueness of society itself. The difference in cultures predetermines the difference in the actions of people, in the organization of material production, the choice of forms of political organization (in particular, this can be associated with the well-known expression: "Every nation has the government that it deserves").

K. Marx based his concept on determining role of the economic system, believing that it is the mode of production of material life that determines the social, political and spiritual processes in society.

In modern domestic sociological literature, there are opposite approaches to solving problems of primacy in the interaction of social spheres of society. Some authors tend to deny this very idea, believing that a society can function normally if each of the social spheres consistently fulfills its functional purpose. At the same time, they proceed from the fact that the hypertrophied "swelling" of one of the social spheres can adversely affect the fate of the whole society, just as, however, underestimation of the role of each of these spheres. For example, underestimation of the role of material production (the economic sphere) leads to a decrease in the level of consumption and an increase in crisis phenomena in society. The erosion of the norms and values ​​that regulate the behavior of individuals (the social sphere) leads to social entropy, disorder and conflict. Acceptance of the idea of ​​the primacy of politics over the economy and others social spheres(especially in a totalitarian society) can lead to the collapse of the entire social system. In a healthy social organism, the vital activity of all its spheres is in unity and interconnection.

If the unity weakens, the effectiveness of society's life activity will decrease, up to the change of its essence or even disintegration. As an example, let's take the events recent years XX century, which led to the defeat of the socialist public relations and the collapse of the USSR.

Society lives and develops according to objective laws unity (society) with; ensure social development; energy concentration; promising activity; unity and struggle of opposites; transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones; denials - denials; correspondence of production relations to the level of development of productive forces; the dialectical unity of the economic basis and the social superstructure; an increase in the role of the individual, etc. Violation of the laws of the development of society is fraught with major cataclysms and great losses.

Whatever goals the subject of social life sets for himself, being in the system of social relations, he must obey them. In the history of society, hundreds of wars are known that brought him huge losses, regardless of what goals were guided by the rulers who unleashed them. Suffice it to recall Napoleon, Hitler, former presidents The United States, which started the war in Vietnam, Iraq.

Society is an integral social organism and system

Society was likened to a social organism, all parts of which are interdependent, and their functioning is aimed at ensuring its life. All parts of society perform the functions assigned to them to ensure its life: procreation; ensuring normal conditions for the life of its members; creating opportunities for production, distribution and consumption; success in all areas.

Distinctive features of society

important hallmark society favors it autonomy, which is based on its versatility, ability to create the necessary conditions to meet the varied needs of individuals. Only in society can a person engage in narrowly professional activities, achieve its high efficiency, relying on the division of labor existing in it.

Society has self-sufficiency, which allows him to fulfill the main task - to provide people with conditions, opportunities, forms of life organization that facilitate the achievement of personal goals, self-realization of oneself as comprehensively developed individuals.

Society has a large integrating force. It provides its members with the opportunity to use habitual patterns of behavior, follow established principles, subordinate them to generally accepted norms and rules. It isolates those who do not want to follow them in various ways and means, starting from the Criminal Code, administrative law to public censure. essential characteristic of society is the achieved level self-regulation, self-management, which arise and are formed within him with the help of social institutions, which, in turn, are at a historically determined level of maturity.

Society as an integral organism has the quality consistency, and all its elements, being closely interconnected, form a social system that makes stronger the attraction and cohesion between the elements of a given material structure.

Part and whole as components unified system connected an inseparable bond between each other and support each other. At the same time, both elements have relative independence in relation to each other. The stronger the whole in comparison with its parts, the stronger the unification pressure. And vice versa, the stronger the parts in relation to the system, the weaker it is and the stronger the tendency to separate the whole into its component parts. Therefore, for the formation of a stable system, it is necessary to select the appropriate elements and their unity. At the same time, the greater the discrepancy, the stronger the bonds of adhesion should be.

The formation of a system is possible both on the natural foundations of attraction, and on the suppression and subordination of one part of the system to another, that is, on violence. In this regard, various organic systems are built on different principles. Some systems are based on the dominance of natural connections. Others are based on the dominance of force, still others seek to hide under the protection of strong structures or exist at their expense, the fourth unite on the basis of unity in the fight against external enemies in the name of the higher freedom of the whole, etc. There are also systems based on cooperation, where force is not plays a significant role. At the same time, there are certain limits beyond which both attraction and repulsion can lead to the death of this system. And this is natural, since excessive attraction and cohesion pose a threat to the preservation of the diversity of system qualities and thereby weaken the system's ability to self-develop. On the contrary, strong repulsion undermines the integrity of the system. At the same time, the greater the independence of the parts within the framework of the system, the higher their freedom of action in accordance with the potentials inherent in them, the less they have the desire to go beyond its framework and vice versa. That is why the system should be formed only by such elements that are more or less homogeneous among themselves, and where the tendency of the whole, although it dominates, does not contradict the interests of the parts.

The law of every social system is hierarchy of its elements and ensuring optimal self-realization by the most rational construction of its structure in the given conditions, as well as the maximum use of the conditions environment to transform it in accordance with its qualities.

One of the important laws of the organic systemintegrity law, or, in other words, vitality of all elements of the system. Therefore, ensuring the existence of all elements of the system is a condition for the vitality of the system as a whole.

fundamental law any material system, which ensures its optimal self-realization, is the law of priority of the whole over its constituent parts . Therefore, the greater the danger to the existence of the whole, the more victims from its parts.

Like any organic system in difficult conditions society sacrifices a part for the sake of the whole, the main and fundamental. In society as an integral social organism general interest under all conditions is in the foreground. However, social development can be carried out all the more successfully, the more the general interest and the interests of individuals are in harmonious correspondence with each other. Harmonious correspondence between common and individual interests can only be achieved at a relatively high stage of social development. Until such a stage is reached, either public or private interest prevails. The more difficult the conditions and the greater the inadequacy of social and natural components, the stronger the general interest manifests itself, being realized at the expense and to the detriment of the interests of individuals.

At the same time, the more favorable the conditions that have arisen either on the basis of the natural environment or created in the process of the production activity of the people themselves, the less other things being equal, the general interest is carried out at the expense of the private one.

Like any system, society contains certain strategies for survival, existence and development. The strategy of survival comes to the fore in conditions of an extreme lack of material resources, when the system is forced to sacrifice its intensive development in the name of extensive, or more precisely, in the name of universal survival. In order to survive, the social system withdraws material resources produced by the most active part of society in favor of those who cannot provide themselves with everything necessary for life.

Such a transition to extensive development and redistribution of material resources, if necessary, occurs not only on a global, but also on a local scale, i.e., within small social groups if they find themselves in an extreme situation, when the funds are extremely insufficient. In such conditions, both the interests of individuals and the interests of society as a whole suffer, since it is deprived of the opportunity to develop intensively.

Otherwise, the social system develops after the exit from an extreme situation, but being in conditions inadequacy of social and natural components. In this case survival strategy is replaced by existence strategies. The strategy of existence is implemented in conditions when a certain minimum of means arises to provide for everyone and, in addition, there appears a certain surplus of them in excess of what is necessary for life. In order to develop the system as a whole, the surplus of funds produced is withdrawn, and they concentrate in decisive areas of social development in hands of the most powerful and enterprising. All other individuals are limited in consumption and are usually content with a minimum. Thus, under adverse conditions of existence the general interest makes its way at the expense of the interests of individuals, a clear example of which is the formation and development of Russian society.
